Tango argentino Schule Zürich

Guillermo Brizuela 

Tangolehrer aus Argentinien

Tango argentino Schule in Zürich


We all agree that the tango dance is a passionate, elegant and sensual dance. At least that is what is perceived from the outside. But tango has many benefits for your health, your emotional well-being and to improve your social skills.
Tango can significantly improve your body posture. It actually returns it to its natural, organic state, just as we were made by nature. Good posture makes you feel comfortable with your own body.
It places “your head upon your shoulders”-, literally and metaphorically, allowing you to breathe better, which leads to a stabilization of your central nervous system.
With a “well-positioned” head you release the pressure on your vital organs that produces a bad posture.
The way of walking taught by tango gives you a good balance, you are -in your axis- literally and metaphorically, allowing you great control of your movements and developing a majestic, elegant and feline walk.
The posture and the walk of tango combined, is known in the world of tango as “Presence” or “Parada” (Buenos Aires slang), which makes a man or a woman with their mere presence draw attention and get admiration.
Tango´s embrace is the same as the one in real life and it produces a flow of endorphins (happiness hormones) and significantly reduces cortisol (stress hormones) and produces a healthy emotional well-being. Going to dance at the milonga is usually more therapeutic than many therapies. In fact, tango is used as a therapeutic tool by many health professionals and is used with patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and neuromotor recovery processes.
Tango invites you to LOOK good and FEEL good, taking care of your appearance, your aesthetics and your hygiene.
It makes you aware that your partner is offering their body in an embrace and that means a delivery that must be valued and cared for. That is why it is so vital to take care of the details of your personal hygiene such as bad breath, body odors, dandruff, etc.
Being an embrace and improvisation dance, which has no rules or structure, invites you to be creative by connecting the two hemispheres of your brain and thus you develop great neuromotor ability.
Because of the embrace, tango is an interdependent dance which inevitably leads to a more playful and fun side of the dance, and together with your partner you can create movements in the same way that a painter creates on a canvas.
As well as being a dance, tango is also a fraternity where we all feel part of a big family, the “tanguera” family, and this develops your social and communication skills.
I could give you many more examples of the benefits of tango, but I prefer that you experience and discover them for yourself. ☺️

Guillermo Brizuela
Tangoleher in Zürich
Tango argentino Schule

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